The Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost, At-Home Service for October 10th
This sermon focuses on the passage read today from the Book of Hebrews. In that passage, we heard about the Word of God. That is the first phrase to be considered in this sermon. In describing the Word of God, that passage from Hebrews also used three more terms or phrases. They are “piercing until it divides,” “tested,” and “confession.” Each of these terms will be considered because they help answer the question, “What should a person expect from reading the Bible?”
Click here to view the at-home version of the service.
Pastor Rike’s Sermon
First, when the Book of Hebrews speaks about the Word of God what is meant is the text of the Bible, particularly the Old Testament. Every single chapter in the Book of Hebrews contains one or more different quotations from the Old Testament. The Book of Hebrews unpacks those Old Testament passages, often using them as examples to instruct people who want to be faithful. In this way, the Bible, particularly the Old Testament, is the Word of God because it proclaims Jesus, either by anticipating or recalling his life, death, and Resurrection. In other words, the Book of Hebrews views the Bible as the tool the Holy Spirit uses to accomplish God’s purpose among people in the world today. More specifically, the passage read today described the Word of God as doing something. That description consisted of action words. “…the word of God is living … piercing until it divides …; it is able to judge …” The description of the Word of God read today from the Book of Hebrews points to how we experience the work of Christ Jesus!
Click here to read Pastor Rike’s sermon.
Video Options
Follow along with the service on video led by Pastor Rike, with music performed by Randy Broker.
The Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost Service for October 10th includes: Intro Hymn- Rise Up, O Saints of God! performed by the Randy Broker First Reading- Hebrews 4:12-16 Holy Gospel- Mark 10:17-31 Sermon by Pastor David Rike Hymn- O God of Every Nation performed by Randy Broker Prayers Blessing