The Second Sunday after Pentecost, At-Home Service for June 6th
This sermon focuses on the story told in the opening lines of today’s First Reading. “They heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden…the LORD God called to the human and said to him, ‘Where are you?’” This is the story of a God who seeks His creatures to be face to face with them. Although those lines at the beginning of today’s First Reading did not make clear why God would do such a thing, some suggested reasons can be found elsewhere in the Bible. However, not all people respond the same way to being sought by this God, their Creator. Scattered across today’s readings are four different responses. From Genesis, we heard about Adam and Eve. From the Gospel according to Mark, we heard about the crowds, the family of Jesus, and the scribes from Jerusalem. Taken together these four groups provide a comprehensive view of the nature and the character of our relationship with God.
Click here to view the at-home version of the service.
Pastor Rike’s Sermon
When Adam and Eve heard the LORD God approaching they hid from His face. They were afraid of God because they had disobeyed His command. Having already indulged in the deceits of the serpent by eating the fruit of the only tree forbidden, they indulged in even more of the serpent’s lies. The serpent had attributed bad will to God. The serpent had asked Eve, “Did God say, ‘You shall not eat from any tree…?” Even more, the serpent told Eve that God had lied to her and Adam. The serpent said God didn’t want humans to become like gods. So, the first sin was compounded by even more sins. Having become aware of their wrongs, humans began blaming and accusing one another. The man said, “The woman gave me the fruit.” The woman said, “The serpent tricked me.”
Click here to read Pastor Rike’s sermon.
Video Options
Follow along with the service on video led by Pastor Rike, with music performed by Randy Broker.
The Second Sunday After Pentecost for June 6th includes: Intro Hymn - You Servants of God performed by Randy Broker First Reading- Genesis 3:8-15 Gospel- Mark 3:20-35 Sermon by Pastor Rike Hymn - Go, My Children, With My Blessing, performed by Randy Broker Prayers Blessing