Second Sunday After the Epiphany At-Home Service for Jan 17

On the Second Sunday after the Epiphany we dive into scripture readings 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 and John 1:43-51.  Members of the church at Corinth thought they could do anything they wanted with their bodies. They wrongly imagined that as long as they believed in their minds and their hearts what happened to their bodies was irrelevant. That attitude had led to scandal and division within the church at Corinth. 

Only the Holy Spirit can provide the church with the mind of Christ, uniting its divided members in one body in this world. Paul’s way of handling the divisions in the church was to reveal the Holy Spirit – the Spirit who works through Christ Jesus and the telling of his story.

The invitation “Come and see” in the Gospel of John is a statement of trust in God, the Holy Spirit, to reveal the implications of our being joined to that same God through Jesus.

Follow along with the Second Sunday after the Epiphany at-home Service for January 17.

Click here on the image below to view the at-home version of the service.

Pastor Rike’s Sermon

For the Christian, the story of Jesus is not something abstract or merely spoken. The Christian is joined to the story of Jesus, to his death and resurrection, in a physical way. In the verse immediately before what was read today Paul wrote, “…you were washed…in the name of the Lord Jesus and in the Spirit of God.” Baptism is that washing into the story of Jesus and his death and resurrection. Baptism joins us to that story in a very physical way, making us members of the Body of Christ. Moreover, the Body of which we are members, has a purpose just as the story of Jesus has meaning. The Body, of which we are members, is the temple of the Holy Spirit. By that Spirit, we have the mind of Christ. We know already how the story ends. We have confidence that this body, the church, is meant for the Lord, and God will raise us by his power just as he did Jesus.

Click here to read Pastor Rike’s entire sermon.

Video Options

Follow along with the service on video led by Pastor David Rike with music performed by Randy Broker and vocals by Kerry Broker

Click on the image below to view the video.

The Second Sunday after the Epiphany Service for January 17 includes: Hymn: Here I Am, Lord performed by Randy Broker and sung by Kerry Broker, First Reading 1 Corinthians 6:12-20, Holy Gospel John 1:43-51, Sermon by Pastor David Rike, Hymn: O Day Full of Grace performed by Randy Broker, Prayers and Lord’s Prayer, Blessing