First Sunday in Advent At-Home Service for Nov 29
The Advent season is upon us and it’s time to prepare our hearts for the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. During Advent, we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who came into the world as both God and man so that our sins might be forgiven. It is a time of great anticipation and excitement as we wait for his birth.
The sermons during Advent are based on the Old Testament readings appointed for this year. In the coming weeks, other sermons will focus on Words of Comfort, Hope, and Fulfillment. But, the focus today is prayer.
The Christian tradition has often placed an increased emphasis on prayer during this season of Advent. Part of that has to do with the fact that Advent is more than a countdown to Christmas. Even as we prepare to celebrate the wonderful birth of Jesus so long ago, we also look toward his final appearance in glory. His birth in the flesh, his death, and resurrection all promise something more. They promise that glorious appearance at the end of all things. Christians have relied upon prayer to keep us alert and connected in the present time to the unseen presence of the risen Jesus. We do this so that we may not be surprised when his presence becomes visible at the end of all things.
Follow along with the First Sunday in Advent at-home Sunday Service for November 29.
Click here on the image below to view the at-home version of the service.
Pastor Rike’s Sermon
The shape of this passage from Isaiah shows us the shape of prayer: Invocation, Confession, and Request. The content in each of those elements is similar. Regardless of whether it is invocation, confession, or request our continual prayer is this: “Come, Lord Jesus.” Come, you who both reveal and connects us to God. Come, you who have taken away our sins on the cross. Come, you, who will show us awesome things when you appear in glory. These words help us to see again what has been done in the past and among us through Jesus to the glory of God
Click here to read Pastor Rike’s entire sermon.
Video Options
Follow along with the service on video led by Pastor David Rike with music performed by Randy Broker
Click on the image below to view the video.