Christ the King Sunday At-Home Service for Nov 22

We are celebrating Christ the King Sunday – we focus on the crucified and risen Christ, whom God exalted to rule over the whole universe. Christ reigns supreme. Christ’s truth judges falsehood. As the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, Christ is the center of the universe, the ruler of all history, the judge of all people. In Christ all things began, and in Christ all things will be fulfilled. In the end, Christ will triumph over the forces of evil.

Follow along with Christ the King Sunday service for November 22.

Click here on the image below to view the at-home version of the service.

Pastor Rike’s Sermon

The passage read today from Matthew works backward, starting at the end with the visible, undeniable appearance and reign of Jesus as King over all things. The current times are then viewed and evaluated from the perspective of that ending. And, the goal was not to navigate the in-between times so one advances himself or ends up on top in the end.

On the contrary, the point of the passage was to assure us Christians here and now that the crucified and risen Jesus does more than just triumph in the end.  Although his reign among us now is not as self-evident as it will be in the end, Jesus remains Lord and King right now. And, that passage from Matthew helps us to see how King Jesus is reigning even now.

Click here to read Pastor Rike’s entire sermon.

Video Options

Follow along with the service on video led by Pastor David Rike with music performed by Randy Broker

Click on the image below to view the video.

Christ the King Sunday After Pentecost Service for November 22 includes: Hymn: The Head That Once Was Crowned performed by Randy Broker, First Reading Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24, Holy Gospel Matthew 25:31-46, Sermon by Pastor David Rike, Hymn: All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name! performed by Randy Broker, Prayers and Lord’s Prayer, Blessing