The Fourth Sunday after Pentecost, At-Home Service for June 20th

If Job was persistent about anything, it was his insistence that he did not deserve what happened to him. There was irony in Job’s claim because it was true but not in the way he intended. At the beginning of the book, Job had seven sons, three daughters, a wife, many servants, and great wealth. All of it was taken away from Job. Beyond that, Job was afflicted with sores and suffering so that his friends did not even recognize him anymore. Despite Job’s reputation for having integrity, each of his three friends took turns, saying Job must have done something to deserve what happened to him. Job responded to each of his friends. Each time Job insisted upon his innocence and righteousness.

Click here to view the at-home version of the service.

Pastor Rike’s Sermon

As that cycle of accusation and response continued, Job’s words became shrill and harsh. A good visual for what Job may have been like after speaking with his friends might be the hurricane scene from the movie, Forest Gump. In that scene, a legless Lieutenant Dan joined Forest on the Bubba Gump shrimp boat. Lieutenant Dan strapped himself to the uppermost part of the mast of the boat and commanded Forest to keep sailing into the roughest waters of the hurricane. Through all of it, Lieutenant Dan vented his feelings in an argument with God.

Click here to read Pastor Rike’s sermon.

Video Options

Follow along with the service on video led by Pastor Rike, with music performed by Randy Broker.

The Fourth Sunday After Pentecost for June 20th includes:
Hymn - O God, Our Help in Ages Past, performed by Randy Broker
First Reading- Job 38:1-11
Gospel- Mark 4:35-41
Sermon by Pastor Rike
Hymn - Eternal Father, Strong to Save, performed by Randy Broker