Fifth Sunday of Easter At-Home Service for May 10

It is the Fifth Sunday of Easter where we learn that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.  

The power to create Life out of nothing rests exclusively with God.  We can do our best to nurture Life or sustain it with the things God has provided for us to use.  But, none of us can say as did Jesus, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” Jesus, who was already One with God, united to the Father in eternity, also willingly joined himself to an anxious, confused, wavering humanity.  

Follow along with the the At-home printed version of the Fifth Sunday of Easter service. Click here or on the image below to view the at-home version of the service.

Pastor Rike’s Sermon

Jesus has saved the world not by eliminating difficulties but by changing the being and identity of people. In changing humanity Jesus has changed what people do and how they respond to the conditions around them.  Click here to read the entire sermon.

Video Options

Follow along with the service on video led by Pastor David Rike with music performed by Randy Broker.  The service is shared in two parts:

Click on the images below to view the videos.

Intro by Pastor David Rike,
Hymn: Lord God, We Praise You performed by Randy Broker, Epistle
1 Peter 2:2-10, Gospel John 14:1-14
Sermon by Pastor David Rike, Hymn: You Are the Way performed by Randy Broker, Nicene Creed, Prayer and Lord’s Prayer, Blessing