Discussion on the ELCA Statement on Human Sexuality – Lead by Pastor Ed Sheehan, Assistant to the Bishop – Aug. 7 Following Worship


Pastor Ed Sheehan, Assistant to the Bishop, is visiting GSLC on Sunday, August 7. Following worship, he will lead us in a discussion regarding the 2009 ELCA Statement on Human Sexuality in the Social Hall. Please make every effort to attend.

Date: Sunday, August 7
Time: 9:00 a.m. for worship, 10:00 a.m. discussion following worship
Where: Sanctuary for worship, Social Hall for the breakfast and discussion
Food: Continental breakfast provided (beverages, fruit, bagels, donuts)
Childcare: Childcare will be provided upstairs

Documents to Download and Read Before Aug. 7:

Pastor Ed Sheehan, Assistant to Bishop Kusserow, will visit Good Shepherd on Sunday, August 7. After the service, we will move downstairs where Pr. Sheehan will lead us in discussion regarding the ELCA Statement on Human Sexuality. Child-care and continental breakfast will be provided.

The statement provides guidance on key matters such as marriage, family, homosexuality, protection of children and youth, sexuality and the self, sexual intimacy and cohabitation. It addresses sexuality in relation to society, the work place and within the church.

In the call of a new pastor, the congregation must make some decisions related to this subject. Although the statement was adopted by the ELCA Churchwide Assembly in 2009, our call process indicates that many GSLC members either do not know about the statement, or have questions. Pr. Sheehan will explain the statement and answer our questions.

You can read or download the full social statement on “Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust” from the ELCA website. Print copies of the full statement, a summary of the statement, and an introduction from the ELCA are available in the church narthex.

Please make every effort to attend. Contact Michele Marrinan, Pastor Neumann, the church office, or any council member if you have questions regarding the logistics of the visit. Please save your questions about the statement for Pr. Sheehan.

Yours in Christ,
Michele Marrinan, GSLC Council President